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We start our day with a health check and a warm greeting from administration and hand sanitizer before heading into the gym to drop off our backpacks and belongings before heading into our homeroom class. Our morning meetings include the Pledge of Allegiance, Calendar, and a review of the day’s schedule.
Throughout the day we visit a variety of subjects. During our Language Arts, we study reading, writing and phonics through playful learning activities. Our hands-on math lessons and activities build a strong foundation in a number of concepts. We also have social studies, science classes, leveled reading groups and centers for each student to learn and grow.
We believe that recess is an important part of the school day for our students . Physical well-being is linked to higher academic achievement, so second grade enjoys multiple breaks throughout the day.
Aside from the academic classes listed above, student's at Arches Academy enjoy a fun-filled afternoon of extracurriculars like Music, Art, Drama, PE, STEAM and Foreign Language.
Friday afternoons are extra special! While some school may take the afternoon off, we choose to take this time as an opportunity to teach students topics of their choice. We call this program, M.I.S.S.I.O.N.S. Missions are specialized classes where the subject is determined by the students. The class can decide to learn about anything from secret agents to sewing, soccer to robotics, and so much more.
If our students aren't quite ready to head home at the end of the day, you may choose to extend their learning opportunities in one of our after school programs developed for a variety of ages and interests.

Ms. Meredith's Welcome Letter

Arches field trips are about making connections between the education inside the classroom and the world beyond. This type of interactive learning answers the question, "Why are we learning this?" through hands-on experiences. For an age group that is constantly asking "why," field trips are an exciting way of translating classroom lessons into real-life learning.
Popular second grade fieldtrips include:
Rowley's Red Barn
Orem Library
South Fork up Provo Canyon
Hee Haw Farm
Bean Museum
Scera Theater for the Arts
And more!

We allow students to join our classes based on age, level, and ability. Being ready for second grade isn’t just about academics; learners should also be prepared socially and emotionally.
New students wishing to join our second grade class will come in for readiness testing, which can include a trial day. We will assess basic math and writing skills and their ability to play/work with peers cooperatively with minimal conflict, follow directions, and accept redirection when needed.
We also offer second grade ‘Bootcamp’ over the summer for students who already meet their social and emotional requirements, but are just missing a few academic skills. Our second grade teacher tutors them in Math, Reading and Writing so they can be prepared for the year ahead.
My child is ready...
Feeling good about what your child's education will look like at Arches Academy? Click Apply Now to complete the enrollment application or Learn More about the application process.