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One of the best ways to learn about Arches Academy is to experience it for yourself!


After you tour the school, we offer a free trial day for your child to come and see what it's like to be an Arches student. 


A trial day must be scheduled in advance with our Admissions Director, Kristen Bingham

or by calling 801-374-5480.

Once your trial day has been scheduled, do the following to prepare:


  • Bring the completed Student Information and Medical Release form (given during the tour)

  • For Nursery School, Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st grade: Bring a change of clothes.

  • For grades 1-8: Bring a backpack with a notebook and pen/pencil.

  • If you will be here for lunch, bring a sack lunch or money to buy food from our school store.

  • Arrive at school at either 8:15am or 12:15pm (we will let you know what time to arrive when your trial day is scheduled).

               *Park on the West side of the building (not in the drop-off lane).

               *Grades 1-8 will be given a locker to put your things in.


  • Pick-up time will be given when you drop your child off.

Food options

Microwaves and hot water available to re-heat/cook food brought from home or purchased from school store.

School store offers packaged foods & fresh fruit.

Friday: pizza at $1.75/slice - must be pre-ordered with teacher in the morning.


We look forward to seeing you!

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