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Homestay Information

Homestay Standards and Expectations
A Family hosting an international student should provide the following for the student:
Living Arrangements
Private or semi-private room (1-2 children per room)
A closet and/or dresser to keep their belongings
Their own bed with linens (they should NOT share a bed.)
Bath towel
Temperature regulation: adequate heat or cooling with assistive devices as needed (fan, extra blankets, etc.)
A study area, away from noise and distractions.
Sufficient lighting
Internet access as necessary for school work
Telephone access
Laundry facilities in the home
Facilities that are clean and in good repair
All Meals
Breakfast: Food needs to be available to the student. It is recommended that the homestay family makes sure the students can help themselves if necessary.
Lunch: It is the responsibility of the homestay family to make sure that the student has a sufficient lunch. The student can be expected to pack their own lunch with items provided by the host family, or the homestay family may allow the student to purchase food items at school.
Dinner: It is recommended that the student eat meals with and prepared by the host family. When families go out for dinner the student should be included. When parents go out and are not home to prepare dinner, there should be food available for the student.
Home and School
Speak English with the student in the family home.
Homestay family is responsible for making sure the student arrives at school with the proper clothing and with all the school supplies. However, it is the student's responsibility to purchase all clothing and supplies not included in tuition.
Provide timely transportation to and from school for the regular school day as well as extracurricular activities.
Assist with transportation to other places the student wants to go: friend's houses, shopping, lessons, etc. (Provide access to public transportation or carpools if unable to do so themselves.)
Act as surrogate parents o Support and encourage the student in their academic activities. o Discipline ONLY in ways that acceptable to student's parents o Make sure they are healthy and happy
Students may be invited to attend religious services with the family, but should in no way be pressured or required to attend.
Treat the student as a member of your family. Involve them in your family activities, help them with homework, and expect them to live family rules and help with chores.
Make sure your own children respect the student you are hosting and respect their space and belongings.
Talk with students as mush as possible. If you have a difficult time communicating or have concerns about your student's welfare