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At Arches, we have high expectations for students to develop and apply themselves in 5 core areas and provide a strong support system for their success in these areas. As students engage our unique core curriculum, they develop critical thinking skills and demonstrate competencies in the key areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, mathematical foundations, and computational thinking. Our teachers foster curiosity and a balanced intellectual appetite in each of these subject areas.
Singapore Math focuses on mastery, not memorization. It teaches visualization strategies that people who "get" math naturally possess to the students who "don't "leveling the playing field and giving all students the tools to think like a mathematician. The sequence of topics in Singapore math has also been carefully constructed, based upon child development theory, to include a pictorial approach that is often missing in other programs. Students are able to solidify their understanding as they visualize and then draw math concepts as a representative picture.
Hands-on learning and understanding processes are the key to our strong science curriculum. The Core Knowledge content is enhanced with live demonstrations, active student experiments, the building of models, and field trips to intriguing educational landscapes. Robotics, Advanced technology, math competitions, regional science fairs, and 3d printing are a few of the options available for our aspiring young minds.
Research shows that children who attend full-day kindergarten as opposed to half-day kindergarten are more well-rounded as they begin their education. Attending for a full day also shows a significant increase in child-led activities and creativity.
Children also have significant academic gains as they start elementary school and for their years to come. This foundation is key for their continued success; one that we prioritize while your child attends Arches Academy.
Heather Peay, 7th-8th Grade Teacher
"My classroom is a work-oriented environment, where students are self-motivated and able to freely communicate their ideas. They will receive guidance when necessary, but my overall goal is to build students’ critical thinking skills. I will do this by providing them the autonomy to investigate materials through student-centered discussions, hands-on activities, technology, and exploratory field trips. We have what is called “flexible seating” in my classroom: desks, chairs, a couch, and other areas are available for students to sit in freely, as long as they are following our class rules and are able to do their best work. I recognize that my students have individual learning styles and preferences. I am dedicated to providing a safe, respectful, and cooperative learning environment. I strive to be Firm, Fair, Friendly, and Fun!!!"

Ryan McKay 9th Grade Learning Coach/Tutor
I truly hope that the sparks within the students will burst into flame as their understanding of who they are, how much they have to offer, and how much there is to discover reaches new depths and ignites further investigation. It is my desire to create an empathetic place in which we can all strive to understand one another and grow together.

Arches field trips are about making connections between the education inside the classroom and the world beyond. This type of interactive learning answers the question, "Why are we learning this?" through hands-on experiences. For an age group that is constantly asking "why," field trips are an exciting way of translating classroom lessons into real-life learning.
2022-2023 field trips coming soon.

We allow students to join our classes based on age, level, and ability. Being ready for Middle School isn’t just about academics; learners should also be prepared socially and emotionally.
New students wishing to join our middle school class will come in for readiness testing, which can include a trial day. We will assess basic math and writing skills and their ability to play/work with peers cooperatively with minimal conflict, follow directions, and accept redirection when needed.