Here are just a few of the things our Kindergarteners have done in the last six weeks:
Head of School Hike: They participated in our all-school hike up the beautiful Utah canyons!
Big Red Barn Field Trip: The class got to visit our local Big Red Barn, see animals, and have an engaging and educational experience!
Writing Rally: Our school-wide Writing Rally centered on the them, "Words are Power," and the students learned about coming up with ideas, word choice, thought organization, and more, to hone their powerful writing skills.
French Round Table: Students in ALL foreign language classes viewed a presentation by the French class to expand their cultural horizons and see what the other foreign language classes were learning. This included student created exhibits, songs, and delicious crepes! Soon it will be the Spanish and German classes turn to host!
Grandparent’s Day: Every year Arches Academy hosts an all-school Grandparents day, where family members and special guests can come see and participate in what their grandchildren are learning and experiencing every day at Arches!
Hee Haw Farms: Along with many of our other students, the Kindergarten class visited Hee Haw Farms where they got to pet goats, climb on haystacks, and ride the gunnysack slide!
Captain Louis: The Kindergarten class and other classes attended the play, Captain Louis, at the Scera Performing Arts Center. They had a wonderful time!
Phonics and Reading: Our Kindergarten class is known for its progress on reading and phonics, learning grammar and spelling rules, letter blends, etc. 9 of the students began the year as non-readers, now 100% of our Kindergarteners are readers!
Site Words: Students are working on joining "The 100 Club," after they pass of 100 site words and earn a treat! Several of the students have already passed this amazing milestone!
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip: Kindergarteners joined in a trip to the local Pumpkin Patch, where they picked out a special pumpkin for Halloween painting and activities!
What has YOUR Kindergartner done lately?